“When we plant a rose we notice it is small but we do not criticise and judge it for being so. We give it water and nourishment as required, and when it first shoots up out of the soil we do not condemn it as underdeveloped. We stand in wonder at the process taking place and give the plant the care needed. Within it contains its whole potential, constantly in a process of change. At each moment it is perfectly all right as it is” - The Inner Game of Tennis

This passage speaks to our everyday lives if we see the opportunity in the process. At the start of any journey we embark on there is a naivete that is innocent and pure. This naivete is typically one of grandeur, filled with optimism and positivity as excitement rushes through our veins. Much like the rose, given the right nourishment without judgement or criticism, these thoughts have the potential to morph into worldly renowned pieces such as The Mona Lisa, the Duomo of Florence and The Colosseum. These world wonders began as a seed of thought in the mind of an individual.

Akin to the rose our mind becomes fertile ground for our thoughts as the potential harboured within is limitless. These thoughts form what is referred to as knowledge. Knowledge is knowing, wisdom is doing!

As a rose is first planted into the soil, so must we be beginners. When beginning, limiting thoughts of inferiority, failure and desperation bombard our brains. An attentive gardener removes weeds from his garden bed, we too must weed impure thoughts from the garden of our mind as we are right where we need to be in the process. The road will become bumpy and roadblocks land on the path, that should be accepted as it is. Any resistance will make the growing pains all the more challenging. This isn’t to say give up and not manoeuvre around them, but fighting fire with fire produces more of the same, therefore a new thought, a new mindset must be introduced to move onward ambitiously.

Whilst your journey takes shape, you become someone new, like the rose as it blossoms and adds layers of beautifully delicate petals, you add character and layers to your story. From the moment it was planted into the soil, the rose was never questioned and allowed to be as it was perfectly right at each stage of its development.

Why don't we treat ourselves with the same food of thought and nourishment we do the rose? Surely we owe it to ourselves, right? You contain all the potential within yourself if you were to be the master gardener of your mind. Weed out impurities daily and nourish your mind with confidence, bravery and optimism.

The Master Gardener