You don't build muscle when you lift heavy weights, you build muscle when you rest and the tissue fibres repair. We also grow and develop when given space to rest and recover.

At the end of another mentally and physically challenging year on the court, my mind and body simultaneously agreed it had had enough. 11 years of non-stop basketball eventually forced my hand to take a break as we headed to Europe for an extended vacation. My brain had it all planned out vying to keep the same rhythm; waking up early, reading, meditating, stretching and working out for 30 minutes everyday.

My body had other plans as it quietly urged to be woken up by the rays of the light peeping through the curtains and not by the sharp squeals of the iPhone alarm, sunbathing by the pool until my lips stung from the UV and eating to my hearts contentment. As my mind and body played tug-of-war for my attention, my usually regimented days fell out the window as I began to embrace the beauty of the Italian countryside. Be where your feet are. Finally allowing myself to relax, I took a step back and reflected on things objectively from the season just gone.

Being able to reflect outside of the environment allows for the fog to clear and see things as they are. The season moves so rapidly that it becomes difficult to zoom out and redirect one's focus. Some questions I was able to ask myself in Europe were; What worked well this year? What didn't work? Why didn't it work? How will I change things for the upcoming season? These questions helped start my reflection process this off season and became clearer within myself. Last season didn’t go the way I wanted but having a forced trip to Europe gave my body and mind the rest it needed to come back stronger and better this season. Starting with a historic World Cup campaign in August with South Sudan.

When was the last time you took a long look at where you are and where you're going? Are you on the right path or should you lift your head, take a break and alter your course.

Going on holiday could change your life!